Welcome to the blog for the 2009 Temple University Archaeological Summer Field School at Washington Memorial Chapel! This summer looks to be very exciting as we continue our excavation of an unknown brigade that occupied the woods just adjacent to the Chapel during the 1777-1778 Continental Army encampment. Before we get into the project, let us introduce who will be taking you through this summer's dig:
Carin Boone - Field Director / Temple University Graduate Student

Carin is a graduate student at Temple University, working on her Ph.D. in historical archaeology. Her dissertation focuses on military archaeology, and more specifically on an area of the Valley Forge encampment that is found on the grounds of the Washington Memorial Chapel. She received her B.A. from the University of Delaware and her M.A. from the University of Pennsylvania, and continued on in the academic world, arriving at Temple in 2005. Carin loves to chat with visitors and is always willing to tell you a story, or let you hold an artifact from the American Revolution! She is a sailor and a blacksmith on the 17th century tall ship of Delaware, the Kalmar Nyckel, and generally loves any activity that involves sailing, the beach, or the ocean.
Jesse West-Rosenthal - Research Assistant / Professional Archaeologist

Jesse currently resides in Williamsburg, Virginia, working for the William and Mary Center for Archaeological Research. He received his B.A. in Anthropology and Photojournalism from Temple University in 2008. Jesse’s research interests mainly surround military archaeology of the American Revolution (although he has been known to dig a Civil War site or two). When Jesse is not getting every piece of clothing he owns dirty from digging, he enjoys cycling, music (playing and listening) and watching the Phillies.
Carin Boone - Field Director / Temple University Graduate Student

Carin is a graduate student at Temple University, working on her Ph.D. in historical archaeology. Her dissertation focuses on military archaeology, and more specifically on an area of the Valley Forge encampment that is found on the grounds of the Washington Memorial Chapel. She received her B.A. from the University of Delaware and her M.A. from the University of Pennsylvania, and continued on in the academic world, arriving at Temple in 2005. Carin loves to chat with visitors and is always willing to tell you a story, or let you hold an artifact from the American Revolution! She is a sailor and a blacksmith on the 17th century tall ship of Delaware, the Kalmar Nyckel, and generally loves any activity that involves sailing, the beach, or the ocean.
Jesse West-Rosenthal - Research Assistant / Professional Archaeologist

Jesse currently resides in Williamsburg, Virginia, working for the William and Mary Center for Archaeological Research. He received his B.A. in Anthropology and Photojournalism from Temple University in 2008. Jesse’s research interests mainly surround military archaeology of the American Revolution (although he has been known to dig a Civil War site or two). When Jesse is not getting every piece of clothing he owns dirty from digging, he enjoys cycling, music (playing and listening) and watching the Phillies.
Dr. David Orr - Project Advisor / Temple University Professor
Originally trained as a classical archaeologist and historian, Dr. Orr acquired the american fields as his career progressed. His first archaeological experience was working for the old River Basin Surveys in Iowa and South Dakota as a member of the Smithsonian Institution's Summer field crews. Later Dr. Orr did archaeological work at Pompeii, Italy where he completed his Ph.D. degree at the University of Maryland studying under noted Pompeianist Wilhelmina Jashemski. Dr. Orr has a long history of directing archaeological field schools on a broad range of topics. As well, he spent 30 years as the Regional Archaeologist of the Northeast Region of the National Park Service, where he built a fairly ambitious program in archaeology and introduced scores of highly successful public archaeology programs. Currently Dr. Orr serves as faculty at Temple University in the Anthropology department, where he teaches undergraduate classes as well as advises graduate students (like Carin).
In addition to the two project leaders, you will also be periodically hearing from all of the wonderful students who have signed up for our field school.
We are very happy to be here once again at the Chapel this summer. Follow along and see our project as it progresses. We want everyone to be a part of this excavation, so come out this summer and see what we are up to.
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